How Long Does it Take to Read 175 Pages? (A Reader’s Perspective)

By Robi

Have you ever picked up a book, flipped through the pages, and wondered, “How long will it take me to read this?” It’s a question many of us have, especially when we’re eager to dive into a new story but also trying to juggle our busy schedules. Today, in this blog, let’s try to find how long it takes to read 175 pages and what factors can influence your reading speed.

Understanding Reading Speeds

First off, let’s talk numbers. The average adult reads at a speed of about 200 to 300 words per minute (wpm). If we take the average word count per page to be roughly 250 words, a 175-page book would have about 43,750 words.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

200 wpm: Approximately 3.6 hours
300 wpm: Approximately 2.4 hours

Of course, these are just estimates. Your actual reading time might be faster or slower depending on several factors. Let’s dive into those, shall we?

Here is an interesting observation on average adult reading speed.

Factors That Affect Reading Time

Interest level: If you’re really into the book, you’ll likely read faster. When the plot grips you and the characters resonate, those pages seem to fly by. On the other hand, if the book isn’t grabbing your attention, it might feel like a slog, and you’ll probably read more slowly. Isn’t it?

Complexity of the text: Reading a dense, academic text will take longer than breezing through a light-hearted novel. Complex sentence structures, unfamiliar vocabulary, and technical jargon can slow you down as you pause to digest and understand the material.

Reading Environment: Where you read matters. A quiet, comfortable spot free from distractions will help you maintain a steady pace. If you’re in a noisy environment or constantly interrupted, it’s going to take longer to get through those pages.

Purpose of Reading: Are you reading for pleasure or for study? Skimming through for enjoyment is different from deep reading for comprehension. When studying, you might need to take notes, highlight, and re-read sections, which naturally takes more time. I have an unfailing habit to do this every time I read a book.

Your Reading Habits: Some people are naturally faster readers than others. Speed readers can gobble up text at impressive rates, while others may read slowly and savor every word.

Tips to Increase Your Reading Speed

Everyone is unique and so are their reading priorities. While I am no expert in teaching you how you can improve your reading speed, these tips have helped me save my time. Try them, they are really useful.

Practice Regularly: Like any skill, the more you read, the better you get. Regular reading can help improve your speed and comprehension over time.

Use a Pointer: Guide your eyes with your finger or a pen as you read. This can help reduce backtracking and improve focus.

Expand Your Vocabulary: A broader vocabulary helps you recognize words faster, reducing the time spent deciphering meaning.

Avoid Subvocalization: This is the habit of silently pronouncing each word in your head as you read. Try to see and comprehend the words without mentally “saying” them. I know it’s tough, but why not try…

So, at the end, it’s all learning.

At the end of the day, reading isn’t a race. Whether it takes you 2 hours or 10, the most important thing is the experience and the joy it brings. Each book offers a new adventure, a different perspective, and a chance to learn something new. So, grab that 175-page book, find your favorite reading nook, and dive in.

Remember, every reader is different. What matters is that you’re reading and enjoying it. So next time someone asks, “How long does it take to read 175 pages?” you can smile and say, “It depends, but what a wonderful journey it will be!”

Happy reading, friends! 😊

Before you leave, here’s an awesome stat 🙂

Annie Jones, a six-time World Speed Reading Champion, can read at an astonishing speed of 4,700 words per minute with a comprehension rate of 67%.

Impressive, isn’t it?


Scholar Within

Words Rated

Photo by Ánh Đặng
