(Answered) How to deactivate Instagram without waiting a week?

By Robi

Do you want to deactivate Instagram without waiting a week? 

But did you already deactivate it and retrying the deactivation facility once again in the same week? Then, you have to wait.

Important: Please read this before reading the rest of the article

Presently, the facility to deactivate an account is available only once a week.

Then, why is this article written for?

Although you can’t disable an account twice a week, you can, however, learn more about the different aspects of disabling an Insta account, including the differences between disabling and deactivating, things to remember before you hit the “Temporarily Disable Account” button, etc.

Probably this may help you learn how to properly disabling an account in a natural way and what to expect before initiating any deletion activity.

Moreover, this article also attempts to find a probable reason why disabling Insta twice a week is not allowed.

If you are still interested to learn more, continue reading

ALERT: Beware of frauds and scams claiming to restore deleted Instagram accounts. For assistance with an account, contact Instagram. Stay safe and protected!

All about how to deactivate an Instagram account

**Seems like deactivating an account Twice a week is Not allowed presently

It’s natural for many of us to expect our social media accounts are deactivated and/or deleted immediately when we initiate the request on the respective platforms following their official guidelines and step-by-step process. 

However, knowing that it may take some time – for example, a week – can be frustrating sometimes, especially when you have entered all the right information and all you are expecting is a message, possibly a pop-up, confirming your account is now disabled until you reactivate all over again. 

But there are reasons some platforms may restrict your decisions to instantly deactivate your account. Perhaps the most important reason is to keep their platform free of spamming and suspicious activities. 

Instagram is perhaps the most popular image and video social networking platform today and it follows stricter policies to keep its platform safe, and secure for its users and thereby being users, we need to follow its guidelines. 

Read on as we try to answer your query – Can I/How to deactivate an Instagram account without having to wait for a week. This article also seeks to clear a few other related queries, including – 

Can I/How to deactivate my Instagram account 2 times in a week? 

How to disable my Instagram account temporarily?

Why do users disable accounts on Instagram or any other social networking site?

Several factors work at play. The main reasons include losing interest in the content people share, the need to shift to more important activities that matter more, the fear of the negative impact a social media post can have in the future, etc. 

Read more Why users deactivate their social media accounts

However, a lot of users prefer to keep their accounts temporarily closed so they can enjoy a break and come back later. This is where it is important to understand the difference between disable an account vs. delete an account 

Disable an account in Insta vs delete an account in insta

Disable Instagram account 

Instagram allows you to temporarily disable an account. Doing so will make your data including your profile, photos you shared, comments, and likes you made and received hidden from the public until you reactivate your account by logging into your account. So, if you are looking to take a break from Instagram, it’s a great option to disable it for some time and then enable your account all over again when you are ready to get started. 

Deleting an Instagram account 

Deleting an account will remove your account, your profile, your followers, and all the content you’ve shared. Your comments and likes will be gone. Simply put, it will permanently remove your account and its associated data. 

Back to our 1st question. 

Reasons a user may want to deactivate instagram without waiting a week

  • You want to quickly close down an account for any reasons known to you
  • You want to keep your posts hidden publicly as quickly as possible
  • You love seeing quick results 

There could be many other reasons why you want your account to get deactivated as quickly as you can. For most of these situations, there’s simply one solution. Just temporarily disable your account. 

And to answer the question of how to deactivate an Instagram account without waiting a week, all we know as of now is that there’s no way to do that presently. You may have to wait for a week, and this may be part of their effort to safeguard the privacy and security of the platform. In case you want to know more, you can reach out to their customer service for an explanation. 

Sometimes, if you’ve already disabled an account, enabled it again and tried to disable the account all over again – that too in the same week, the platform may prompt you to wait. This can be an effort to stop people from abusing the feature. 

So, if you want to disable your Instagram account for whatsoever reason, do it with complete attention. Otherwise, there’s a waiting period of at least 7 days before you disable it again. 

How do I disable my Instagram account Temporarily?

No matter the reason you want to disable your account – whether to take a timely break or to devote your time to some other more important activities or simply for no reason at all – the entire process to do it is very simple and easy. 

Before you disable your Instagram account, please remember that disabling an account is not possible using the app presently. You may either need to log in to your account using a computer or mobile browser on an Android phone or iPhone. 

Things to note before you disable instagram account 

As mentioned above, when you disable an account for some time, your profile, photos, comments, and the likes that you’ve received, will temporarily be hidden from the public. You can regain access to your account and all the content will be visible all over again only when you enable your account by logging into your account using verified credentials. 

How do I disable my instagram account 

Step 1 

Log into your Instagram account using a computer browser. (We’ve opened it using chrome browser) 

Step 2 

Go to your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen and click it. From the drop down menu, click ‘setting’. 

how to disable instagram account - step 2

Now on the new screen, scroll down to locate the ‘temporarily disable my account’ button. 

how to disable instagram account - step 2 (updated)

Step 3 

This should take you to the new screen where it will ask you to enter the desired option from the ‘why are you disabling your account?’ dropdown. Select your option and re enter your password 

how to disable instagram account - step 3

Step 4

Finally, click “Temporarily Disable Account”  

How to disable my Instagram account using a mobile browser 

The process is the same. Just go to instagram.com from a mobile browser. Tap profile picture, then tap ‘Edit Profile’. Scroll down and at the bottom tap ‘Temporarily disable my account’. Choose a desired option as a reason for this, re enter your password and tap ‘Temporarily disable Account’. 

how to disable instagram account using mobile


You’ve successfully disabled your instagram account. 

So, we hope this article answers your query – how to disable/deactivate my insta account. Instagram is a wonderful platform to showcase your creative side and to share with the world visually appealing content that is inspiring too. You may want to deactivate it, before the dedication to delete it forever. 



How to temporarily disable your Instagram account?

The process is very simple, although this can be done using a mobile browser and/or computer device. Just follow the steps mentioned above to deactivate/disable the Insta account  

Can I/How deactivate my Instagram account 2 times a week? 

No. As of now, you can deactivate your Instagram account once a week. The platform restricts multiple deactivations in a single week, most possibly to prevent spamming efforts and prevent people from abusing the feature. 

How to disable an Instagram account before 1 week? 

You can not disable your Instagram account twice a week. This feature allows a user to disable their account once a week, the maximum time can differ based on the platform’s decision. 

How do I disable my Instagram account permanently? 

You can delete (not disable) an account permanently. You can disable an account temporarily though. Please follow the above to know the difference between disabling and deletion. 

How to undisable an Instagram account? 

To undisable your insta account, just launch the app on your device, log in to your account using verified credentials, and tap login. The successful login should restore your account. 

Why Instagram account disabled/why Instagram disabled my account?

Accounts that violate community guidelines and/or terms of services use can be disabled without warning, states their help center article. Repeated violation of community guidelines or terms of use can make an account to be removed permanently. 

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